What is Your Legacy? What is Your Why?

This week I am reading Believe It! by Jamie Kern Lima. In her new book she asks us "What is your why?"
I first heard this question: What is your why? from pastor Andy Stanley a few years back and it really made me think. What is the why that inspires us beyond ourselves? At that time my "why" was to be a light to uplift others.
Jamie Kern Lima asks us to go deeper. Why do I want to uplift others with my light?
Years ago, when I was in college, I went through a really rough time for about a year. I was anxious about almost everything. No matter how I tried I couldn't break this cycle of anxiety. I started attending this small church by my house and thru this church I signed up for a college mountain retreat. The next morning after arriving to the retreat and after the pastor spoke we were all singing, "Amazing Grace." I felt this weight lift from me. It wasn't only the song but I was also ready to let God in. Not only did I let God in I also let love flow through me. In this tiny chapel we were in I actually saw light shining from a window covering me.
One of the hardest times in my life was also one of my greatest gifts. I learned that in order to save myself I needed to let God in and let light shine thru me.
What is your why? Join us this Sunday evening at 8pm on Instagram Live to discuss the first chapter of the book, "Believe It!" You don't need to have read the book. Just click on the circle on my face at the top of your Instagram.
Here are the items we will focus on:
The Tool Box: Quotes, and stories you love. page 19
What is your WHY? page 12 and 20
At the end of the 1st Chapter, Jamie says, "your intuition is more powerful than anyone's advice."
Have you ever heard a no, but it turned out to be a good thing?
First page of Chapter 1, That thing we call intuition? It's your soul. You can trust it. -Anonymous
Jamie Kern Lima also does an Instagram Live on Monday nights at 8pm called Monday Motivation Live. Be sure to tune in!